How To Approach A Woman On The Street

I’m certain you’ve seen a beautiful woman walking down the street and lusted after her like never before. If you live in the right city this probably happens every day (like in the West Village of NYC, for instance). It’s high time you put a stop to all that wishing and hoping and do something about it. It’s time you learn to approach a woman in the street and make something happen.

Before you dedicate yourself to this most lofty of goals you need to accept that you will fail and often with great frequency. You’ll be stopping married women, women with boyfriends, etc. Most of these women will not end up giving you their number or walking away having said yes to a date but you’re also not going to ask most of these women out. You’re going to exercise your social muscles, you’re going to talk to beautiful women, and you’re going to make dates with some of them. In a few cases you might get exceptionally lucky and end up meeting and hooking up with a girl you meet on the street on that very day.

The approach is the easiest part. You’re not going to deliver a cheesy line of any type and you’re not going to stage some stupid accident. You’re simply going to approach the woman and say “excuse me”. You’re going to deliver those two words in a strong voice and do it confidently, although you’ll need to ensure you don’t come across as angry or bossy. Oddly enough, two simple words can be interpreted in a vast number of ways. She could think of you as a whiny wimp, a bossy jerk, or a confident man with something to say. You want it to be the third.

Every person you say “excuse me” to is going to give you their attention. Unless they think you’re talking to someone else or they’re lost in an iPod they’ll look at you and listen to what you have to say at the very least. They might assume that you’re a crazy person about to ask for money or say something offensive but they’ll give you a second of your time. It’s once you’ve got their attention that you have to deliver so you always need to be ready with that second line.

There’s no hard and fast rule as to what you should say once you have her attention. That’s what practice is for. If you want to be really forward you could try complimenting something about her, although if she’s beautiful and you tell her so she’s not going to be impressed because she’s heard it thousands of times. I like to start with something simple like asking her for the time or asking for directions somewhere. People enjoy helping others and when she gives you that little bit of assistance it will create a sense of warmth in her towards you. Seriously, it works. Once you’ve done that she’ll be even more receptive to a follow up and at that point you can make a move of some sort, although you should keep it subtle and simple.

There’s honestly no harm in simply asking her out. If she’s available and she’s even remotely attracted to you chances are good she’ll say yes if for no other reason than she’s so surprised you actually asked her. That’s a great way to make a connection and make a date. You don’t need to rely on blind dates or the internet when you have the confidence to ask someone out you saw on the street. It’s that confidence that will get you the date, too. Plus, if you make it to a relationship you’ll have a cute story about how you lied about needing directions or the time just so you could talk to her when you .


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Getting A Girls Number Without Asking For it

It’s like a badge of honor when you get a girl’s number . You can parade it around to your friends and play the part of the charming stud that managed to convince a beauty to hand over her digits in the hope that you’ll call her tomorrow and setup a date. Of course, anyone with a history of looking for ladies to love knows that quite often you’re given a fake number or a blatantly wrong number because the girl wasn’t interested and didn’t want to come right out and say no. She just wanted to blow you off without any hassle.

It’s a small victory to get a girl’s number but it’s a huge victory when the girl gives you her number without you having to ask for it . That’s rare and blissful and should be cherished by anyone that pulls it off. Would you like to know how to do it? Not every guy can make it happen but there is something of an art to getting a girl’s number without asking for it. Read on to get some insight into that art.

This isn’t a hard and fast rule but in general it helps to look more like a bad boy. More than any other type of guy the bad boy is the one that makes girls do stupid things they wouldn’t normally do. There’s something that goes on at the subconscious level that makes the bad boy irresistible and thus much more likely to get a number handed to him. Guys that are actually that way almost never end up with a successful long term relationship but that’s not what we’re talking about here so it doesn’t really matter. If you can’t pull off that look then don’t try because you’ll just look like an idiot.

You’ll need to work to make yourself look and seem attractive without it seeming like you’re openly flirting with the girl. That sounds more difficult than it is. Sometimes it’s as simple as dropping a few words from a sentence. One tactic a lot of guys use is picturing a future couple (we would have a great time together in Europe). It’s exceptionally effective but it ensures that you’ll need to ask for her number because you’re making it clear you’re already thinking about being with her. If you shift that a little bit to talk about an exciting future or your exciting life while leaving her out you put the onus on her to pursue you, thus having to give you her number. The trick is to talk about your exciting life and leave her out of it while still making it seem like you want to be with her. That’s something that takes practice so you’ll have to work on it to get it just right.

If you can drop a few hints that make the girl worry less about rejection it would be a smart move. Saying something simple about how you’re only available for a few weeks will give you a good chance at a once night stand or brief sexual relationship type of thing. You should also give her a chance to slip you her number while no one else can see so she doesn’t have to worry about any embarrassment. Most of the time women are asked for their numbers so she would be going outside the norm if she gives it up without being asked. Be kind and let her do that in private and you have a better chance of receiving it and down the road hopefully hooking up.


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From The Bar To The Bedroom

If you’ve ever been to a bar in your life then you’ve probably met a woman there you wanted to sleep with that very night. If you’re reading this article then chances are good you didn’t get to sleep with that woman and you want to know how to make it happen in the future. It’s easier than you might think and hopefully when you’re done here you’ll be armed with the tools to make it happen (although it will likely take some practice so be prepared for more failure before you become the seducer of your dreams).

The reason it’s easier than you think is that there are plenty of women out there that really want to go home with a guy, have a night of great sex, and head out the next morning without even having breakfast (or leave the night before to go home and sleep in her own bed). Your job isn’t so much to seduce her into doing something she wouldn’t normally do (even if she delivers that old line about never having one night stands) but to show her that you’re the kind of guy that can give her a good time and a few orgasms and not turn into a clingy weirdo or do something she’s not comfortable with.

Guys in bars are often tempted to deliver a pickup line. Most of the time it’s a bad idea because you make it so obvious that you’re only in the mood for sex and while the woman may be feeling the same way she doesn’t want everyone to know it. In fact, she doesn’t even want you to know it right away. Instead of a pickup line you should simply introduce yourself and offer to buy her a drink. It’s simple and straightforward and if she’s interested she’ll let you buy that drink. Now that you know she’s interested you can actually do something and get closer to bringing her home.

It’s always helpful to differentiate yourself from the rest of the guys when you are picking up woman at the bar. Think of all the guys as roughly the same. The one that does the most to stand out in her mind is the one that gets to go home with her. There are many ways you could stand out and you really only need to choose one. If you know a good joke you might tell it. If you know a magic trick go ahead and do it. If you know some fun fact then drop it on her. If you do something exceptionally weird (but not creepy) that might be enough. The truth is you’ll have to experiment and find something that works with consistency because every lady is different.

You shouldn’t buy her so many drinks that it feels like you’re trying to get her drunk. Instead, if you feel like things are going your way then ask if she wants to take it somewhere more private. If you know a quieter bar, club, or coffee shop nearby that’s always a good place to start. Again, you don’t want to be the one suggesting you go back to your place and bang because it’s just going to creep her out. If she wants to get right to the sex she’ll let you know.

When you’re finally ready to make the move and get on to the sex you should make a point of giving her a reason to come back to your place (or to go back to her place with you) that isn’t about sex. You’ll both know what you’re actually talking about but if it’s never mentioned it just makes it better and it increases your chances are getting laid. Once you’re at someone’s house/apartment you’re guaranteed to have that sex.


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Finding A Casual Sex Partner

Persistence is the number one quality of a successful online sex dater. This is a far different world than online or real world dating and it’s even different than looking for one night stands at bars and clubs. Once you get online and see what you’re dealing with you’ll understand that being persistent and keeping up your confidence are hugely important when trying to find a casual sex partner .

There are a number of sites dedicated to finding casual sex partners and adult dating and still others that cater to both those looking to hook up and those looking to settle down in long term relationships. Some are free and some require a monthly member to contact people and setup dates. They’re almost always worth the money though and the free sites can be a pain since there are so many fake and spam accounts you’ll end up sending messages to nonexistent people and wasting your time.

Here’s the reality of adult dating sites: the ratio of men to women can be scary in terms of the number of guys competing for the affections of a smaller number of women. On some sites it’s ten guys for every one girl. It’s smaller on others but there are always going to be more guys than girls so it can be a challenge. Luckily, it’s not as hard as you might think and if you’re persistent and you keep at it you’ll find a casual sex partner with relative ease.

You’d think that with such a challenging ratio you might never even hear back from a girl but you’d be wrong. The other truth about adult dating sites is that most of the guys are awful. We’ve seen the messages the ladies receive and the vast majority of them are beyond bad. Typically they consist of a line or two of text, capitalization and good grammar are ignored, and the content of the message is rarely something beyond a sloppy come on about how the girl is really hot and the guy wants to have sex with her (the language used is often really crude). In short, everything about the message is a turn off so most of the ladies on an adult dating site aren’t going to be interested in that guy. Instead that message and all the ones like it are going to be deleted.

That’s where you come in. Your message will be well-written, feature capital letters where they belong and have everything spelled correctly. You’ll write it like a mature adult, not a horny teenage boy just looking to dip his wick in something warm for a few minutes until he has an orgasm. The ratio on an adult dating site might be ten guys for every one woman but when nine of those guys are mouth breathing idiots you start to look a lot better.

You’ll still have to be persistent of course, but you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’re not competing against as many guys as you thought you were. Also, if you’re really serious about finding a casual sex partner then you should do anything and everything you can to get in great shape. I know some guys don’t want to hear that but good sex buddies are often determined by the bodies, not the faces. Even if you’re not super good looking you’ll attract lots of ladies with a hard and muscular body and the truth is that anyone can have one as long as he’s willing to work for it. If you’re serious about casual sex partners then you need to hit the gym and get in shape or stay in shape because it’s all about the body.


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