The 1 Night Stand – How To
Sometimes a woman wants a one night stand, believe or not. It’s true and if you play your cards right you can be the guy that hooks up with the hottie looking to have a great roll in the hay. Wouldn’t you like to be the guy that goes home with her? First and foremost you’ll need to be at least a little easy on the eyes. You don’t have to be a total hunk but you need to have something going for you physically so the fat guys with greasy hair and glasses should probably move to the next article. The rest of you should be good to go and the exceptionally handsome among you will have little trouble finding one night stands.
You need to be in the right place to find a one night stand with a hottie but thankfully there are lots of these. They include weddings, vacation destinations, night clubs with dancing, great parties, and random locations where you happen to be in the right place at the right time with a lady looking to blow off steam (yeah, women do that with sex too). In general any place where the libido is going to be high and the women feel good is bound to have a number of hotties looking to hook up.
You’ll need to do a little work to have your one night stand so you need to know which ladies to look for. In general this isn’t difficult. She’ll be the girl dancing a little too suggestively, drinking perhaps a little too much, and flirting with just about everyone with her eyes and her moves. The key to a one night stand is that most of the ladies looking to hook up anonymously want to be the pursuers. They want to take control and flip the usual situation, so don’t be afraid to let a girl be the aggressor and pursuer. If she wants you then it’s your duty to let her have you to whatever extent she desires. At some point she’ll make it pretty clear what she’s interested in and at that point you can take the lead and plant a kiss on her lips.
Before you get to that kiss there’s often an important step. At some point you should suggest (or she’ll be the one asking) to go to a second location, although that location should not be your home (that’s your third location). Choose a more intimate bar or club or a good spot you know that’s still public but allows for a bit of sexy making out between the two of you. When you get there be sure to order a couple of drinks and make your move (note that this step might be completely unnecessary depending on how aroused and eager the girl is; she might very well drag you back to her place from your original meeting location).
This seems counter intuitive to what men are taught, but at some point before you get naked together you should make it clear that you’re not interested in a girlfriend and just want to have some fun. That might sound like a crazy move sure to drive her away but if she wants a one night stand it will be exactly what she needs to hear to truly cut loose with you and have a good time. You’re clearing the decks for her to go wild by announcing your intentions without her having to do so. She’ll most likely take you back to her place and it’s the best bet for good sex since she’ll feel more comfortable. Once you’re there be sure to have fun and stay away from anything too dirty or naughty.
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